Sunday, April 7, 2013

Saturday. in photos.

I am trying to get back into this blogging thing, but a lot is going on. Here are some photo recaps of this Saturday.

1. Practicing ukulele 2. self photo. i have been working out and dieting for what seems like ever, but it is working, slowly and surely. down 6 pounds since I started. 3. Grapefruit, limes and blood oranges from the grocery store. Apparently I am really into citrus this week. 4.- 6. Keith and I are not big drinkers. However, we have tried our hand at infused vodka before. I had some vodka from a few months ago, that we were not drinking, so I mixed blood oranges and blueberries together in the infuser, and added the whipped cream vodka and we ended up with this purple mixture, that was pretty good in diet lemon-lime soda. Again, as not big drinkers, we were happy with how the mixture turned out, our first batch back in December was a disaster- cucumbers do not survive in liquor, FYI.

This week has loads of stuff coming up in it, including wedding cake testing and flower shopping. !!! More to come later.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I have been M.I.A. for a year or so. A lot has happened in that year, including a lack of activity in my jewelry business. Life got in the way, yadda yadda yadda.

What's new? I am an aunt, to an almost one year old. I am engaged to marry Keith. I am still drinking a lot of tea and watching a lot of crime shows on tv.

I do play ukulele now. not well, but I am trying.

Things are looking up for this gal. I hope to continue this project. Fingers crossed this time I get better at this blogging thing.